Bad Buns

Big Buns

In an earlier post I questioned the need for another lunch spot right next door to Big Buns. Now I know why. Big Buns is horrible.

"But it's gourmet!" No, it's not. It's expensive take-out. My patty was both burnt and raw. As I was eating it, I could hear the voices coming from Grand Cru warning me of e-coli. It's ok: I've got a restraining order against that virus. No, Big Buns can't call itself gourmet simply because it's expensive - the quality needs to be there too. And a tiny burger, a "pesto aioli" of questionable color, and one-step-up-from-cheez-wiz ain't gonna cut it.

"But they have sweet potato fries!" No, they don't. What you get instead are hacked off sweet potato limbs, skin and all, just thrown into a deep frier for 10-12 hours. I don't need my fries to be uniform, but I need them unburnt. Is that too much to ask?

In the end, the four of us all suffered from upset stomachs and dashed hopes.
